residents and staff down the local beach

Ladies Trip to the Beach

The ladies at our residential care home decided that they would like to make the most of the last bit of sunshine and warm weather and thought a day trip to the local beach would be a great idea, as recommended in our latest resident's meeting.

Our activity coordinators organised transport to get our residents to the beach for their special day out. All the ladies were very excited and loved the whole day which included sitting in the sun, watching the world go by, paddling in the sea, enjoying ice creams and other seaside treats, as well as socialising within their local community.

Our residents have a massive involvement in how we plan our weekly activities and we think it is important to make sure we provide our residents with the opportunity to do things that they really want to do. Together they have created a bucket list and we are making it our mission to provide our residents with all the experiences they have listed.

Following one of our home meetings, the female residents mentioned that they would like to go to the beach and our activity coordinators were on hand to help make this happen.

Taking our residents out on trips into the local community is of great importance to us and we believe it is beneficial to an elderly person's mental and physical wellbeing. A day trip, such as to the beach provides lots of wellbeing benefits to our residents.

For instance, the sound of ocean waves, the gentle breeze, and the overall serene environment at the beach promote relaxation and reduce stress. The beach also offers a sensory-rich environment with various sights, sounds, and textures that help stimulate our resident's minds and provide cognitive benefits, keeping the brain active and engaged.

Since returning back to the home, the residents have been speaking about how much they loved the trip and we are excited to plan more day trips in the near future.

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