residents outside of the care home

January Outings

At Oakdene Care Home in Wimborne Minster, we have started the year with some brilliant days out in the local community.

Despite the cold weather, we decided to beat the January blues by getting out in the local community - keeping our residents stimulated and active. After making sure residents were wrapped up warm, we went on several days out where residents were able to explore as well

Garden Centre Trip

The residents enjoyed an outing to Basket and Blooms Garden Centre in West Parley with Linda, one of our Activities Coordinators.

The group went and looked around for flowers and plants, picking out their favourites for the 'Spring in Bloom' competition we are holding here at Oakdene. They then enjoyed a well-deserved coffee and cake in the café.

At Oakdene, we have our very own private gardens and patio which is essential for our residents to get out and enjoy some fresh air, as well as participate in gardening activities - something that is much-loved amongst our residents. Whether it's for al fresco dining, some plant potting, or just getting some vitamin D, our outdoor space provides residents with opportunities to relax, socialise and keep active and we look forward to seeing the Spring blooms!

Snowdrop plant at Garden Centre near Oakdene Care Home

Museum Visit

Another great trip we had was to a local museum where the residents got to explore the attraction as well as attend a jolly sing-along session that was being hosted for older members of the local community.

We believe in the importance of residents getting out and meeting new people and having new experiences as well as continuing to do the things they have always loved to do. It is great for our resident's physical and mental wellbeing and can be a great form of reminiscence too.

We at Oakdene Care Home look forward to many more outings together in the local community this coming year.

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